Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Raise Your Credit Score

Let's face it, the lower your credit score the higher your interest rates. A better credit score gives you better deals on interest rates for loans and credit cards. So if your score is below 760, then its time to do something about it.

Credit Cards
If you do not already have a credit card, now is the time to get one. Use it to make small purchases each month and pay it off the day that bill comes in. This will show a revolving credit line that is in good standing -- raising the credit score. If your score is too low to get a regular credit card, then get a secured credit card. These types of cards require you to place a deposit on the card of $250 or higher, but it will report to all three credit bureaus.

Pay Down Credit Cards
Your credit score is affected by high debt to available credit ratios. To improve your credit score you need to pay down credit cards to bring the balance owed down close to $0 and less nearing the maximum credit limit.

Pay Down Debts
Your credit cards should not be the only debts you are paying off. Pay off any outstanding debts that are in your name including student loans, auto loans and even medical bills.

Pay Bills on Time
Your payment history can affect your credit score as well. Start paying your debts on time and ensure that you avoid late charges or late payments on anything in your name, even your electricity.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Work from Home: Work from Home Jobs

A lot of people want to work from home -- parents, the anti-driving and those that are tired of working for the bleeding corporate America. Working from home can be great. No more transportation costs, no more buying expensive outfits just to wrinkle behind a desk and no more hours that are demanded by someone else. Working from home means you can set your own hours, show up in jeans and leave the car parked in the driveway. Before you walk into your boss's office and slap down your resignation letter, you may want to first FIND a job to work from home. 

There are a lot of scams out there waiting to prey on desperate "work from homers". They will offer you the "secrets" to working from home for a low price or offer to find jobs for you. This is not how you work from home and this certainly is a place you should not start. If a company asks you to PAY to WORK, then there is an issue -- avoid these at all costs.  So how do you find work?

Start a Business
It may sound rather simple, but starting a home business is one of the best ways to make money working from home. Ask yourself what your skills are and if they are something you can make money doing. Can you make fancy jewelry? Are you a trained accountant? If you have services or skills that are marketable and something you can offer to others, start a business from home. Ensure you check zoning and other regulations about working from home since some cities will not allow businesses such as catering or machinery done out of the house.

Sell Junk
eBay and Amazon make their money off selling other people's junk and so can you. Go to garage sales and thrift stores. Purchase junk that is actually a real find. Clean it up and sell it. What is another man's trash is another's treasure.

Freelance jobs are all over the internet. If you have a certain skill and training in areas such as computer design, web design, finances, public relations, copy editing or writing you can most likely find a job freelancing. Check out freelance websites such as, or to find jobs that match your skills. Be prepared to pull out a resume and prove you are worthy of a freelance job. Also realize that freelancing is not always stable and therefore should not be your only means of income.

Customer Service at Home
Many telecommunication jobs and customer service jobs can now be done from the comfort of your own home. You apply online, train online and work online. Companies such as West at Home and Alpine Access offer online customer service jobs for those wanting to work out of their house. These type of positions require you to have a land line, computer and knowledge of computer systems as well as the ability to lock yourself in a room with no background noise -- that means no Judge Judy in the background.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 Ways to Cut Spending

Feel you are living paycheck to paycheck? If you are like most American's, then you are most likely spending too much of your hard earned income. Even if you have created a budget there are still ways you can decrease your spending and save more money. Use that money to invest, take a vacation or just buy a new sweater!

Stop Eating Out
If you want to save, then spending $20.00 a day on eating out is not going to help. Stop eating out for lunch, dinner or even breakfast. Go to the grocery store. For $20.00 you can make yourself two or even three days worth of meals.

Quit Starbucks...
..or whatever coffee place you use. Brewing coffee at home can be just as delightful. But you like espresso? Guess what? An espresso machine is cheap these days. In fact you can find one for $150.00 that gives you Starbucks quality java without the $4.00 per cup. Start an espresso maker savings at home. Every day you brew a cup of  coffee at the house, place $4.00 in a savings account. If you are like most coffee addicts that $4.00 will equal $150.00 within 30 days.

Plan Grocery Trips
Grocery shopping is a chore, but if you treat it like a strategic game you will save money and have a little fun. Start clipping coupons, looking at store advertisements and shopping around. Don't just buy something because it is on sale. Compare pricing. Ever notice that hamburger tends to always be on sale and always for the same price?

Bank Fees
Bank fees add up. Try to not overdraft your account since some banks can charge up to $50.00 in overdraft and fines per transaction. That means if you overdraft three times you just lost $150! Avoid late charges on bills by paying them on time. If you are going to be late, call the company and let them know. Some companies will waive late fees if you have been a good customer.

Cut Cable and Use Streaming Video
Netflix offers streaming video through a Wii, Xbox or your computer for $10.00 per month and you still get two physical DVD's per month. Cut the Cable bill (which averages over $100.00 in a household) and use these types of streaming services instead.

Be Green
Your utility bills can cost you a hefty fee at the end of the month. Do your part for the environment and your electricity bill. Switch out lightbulbs for energy saving ones and actually turn them off when you are not in the room. Reduce the time you are in the shower and limit baths. Do laundry and other hefty energy duties around the house during low-peak hours such as between the hours of 9am-2pm. Drop the temperature in your house when you are not home and when you are asleep -- you can always buy a heavier comforter with the savings.


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